These two chickie poos can fight like nobody's business. Hardly a day goes by where I don't have to get after one or both of them for picking a fight with the other. It gets old I tell ya. I'm sure I sound like a broken record. I can't wait for the day when they realize that God gave them one another as a gift. I look forward to the days when they leave the house together to attend Youth Group, go shopping, or catch a movie, or maybe even double date together. Until then, I will simply have to enjoy moments like this one, caught on film (or more like SD card).. The two of them were crammed into the same arm chair in the family room playing and hanging out together. Théa was showing Eden the art of bubble blowing, and Eden was hanging intently on her every word, and demonstration. After the lesson, when the camera came out the antics began. People often ask if the girls are twins. When I look at them, I don't often see it. But every once in a while I understand why they ask. The girls are only 15 months apart, which probably explains why they fight so much, and although the don't really look like twins, there are times where I feel they behave like twins. Just last night, for example, they once again asked if they could sleep together. They use to share a room. That is no longer the case, in this house, however, so they have had many sleepovers in Théa's room. What strikes me as funny though, is how often I'll pop in to peek at them before I climb into bed, only to find them both in the top bunk, legs woven together, blankets in a twisted mess off to one side, and both of them, looking as uncomfortable as ever :) I'm not sure how long it will take them to realize that Eden's double bed would be more comfortable for that seeping situation, but as long as they're loving each other, and not fighting I'm fine with whatever location they choose. I've tried many times to get a picture of them, each time without success of a nice clean, clear image. One of these days I'll just have to take what I get, print it, and scrap it. I think they'd really appreciate having the sweet memory recorded. Especially since, I know the day is coming where they will sooner be forced to eat brussel sprouts for dinner than share a bed with the other. For now I'll simply enjoy the times when they sincerely appreciate being with each other, just like twins.
Théa (L) 9yrs. Eden (R) 8 yrs. |
One more day before the weekend - whoot. Only four more days until Summer Break - bigger whoot!
♥ S.
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1 comment:
What cute girls. Having a sister is the best, mine is my best friend now (and was mostly growing up!). You got some great shots of them, can't wait to see them scrapped;)
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