Helloooo weekend, how happy I am to see you. Well, mostly happy this is, if I'm being honest. This is a very busy time of year for our family. The kids' activities keep us quite busy. If it's not piano, and the upcoming Composition recital, or Dance classes and the upcoming Manitoba Dance Festival or National Dance Championships, then it's church commitments, and/or birthday parties. Don't get me wrong I enjoy watching each of my girls participate in these activities. They are not over committed in any way, each one is only involved in 2 activities outside of school. It just keeps my husband and I fairly busy. We don't complain about it, and feel very blessed that we are able to provide them with these opportunities, and support each of them in their love of music, and dance, and serving in church. The luxury of two vehicles really helps us divide and conquer, and the friendships we've made through these activities are sweet blessings. So, even though there's Youth Group, Dance, Dance, more Dance, and Church activities this weekend, it's also the last weekend of the month. That means that not only is March right around the corner, and hopefully Spring as well, but it's Date Night on Saturday for the grownups- yah! For D and I, this is a big deal. Having been married for 15 years now (I know, I can hardly believe it myself. It wasn't all that long ago that we were only dreaming of marriage and family), we've become really familiar with the 'routine' of parenting and marriage. Although partnering well is an invaluable asset to a happy married life, it's not what keeps a marriage rich, nor is it what keeps the romance, or Eros love, if you will, alive. It wasn't too long ago that we realized this had become our reality. We had forgotten about building into our relationship. We were simply maintaining the family, being really good partners. It's no surprise that eventually we found ourselves missing that 'special something' between us. There was lots of efficiency, but not a whole lot of joy. We realized that we'd put our our kids' needs, and the managing of our home ahead of our marriage. In the midst of everything' we'd forgotten to tend to the nurturing of our relationship one to another. We made a choice at that point to commit to an official Date Night. The last weekend of the month means we get to slice out some time just for us. It's not much, only a few hours on Saturday night, but it's all ours, no kids, or friends allowed. A chance to connect, and talk about things other than the kids, work, lessons, bills, and the like. A chance to dream about the future, take stock of how we're really doing together, and just enjoy one another's company. The last weekend of the moth is all about us, nurturing our relationship, catching up on the other person's life over the last month: the ups and the downs, and simply living out Hebrews 10:25 which says "let us encourage one another." So let the weekend begin! Here's to some fun marriage enrichment. I'll leave you with a layout I made depicting just how much fun we have when Date Night means going to a football game (only 4 more months until we can do that again). Hope your weekend is fulfilling, and that you find yourself the recipient of a few kind words, a hug or two, and some good old fashion love & appreciation. It wouldn't hurt to give some out either.
Happy Friday everyone.
Supplies used: mostly Crate, and MME products, some Jillibean, and a few miscellaneous elements |
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