
Thursday, May 7, 2015

Vintage Find to Wall Art

We were challenged on the Pink Paislee blog to turn our Flea Market finds into something Chic.  If you know anything about me by now, it's that I'm not really much of a Flea Market girl.  I just love the way some can take vintage and make it look so spectacularly perfect in their home.  My friend Shelley Haganman is one of the best at this.

Everyday I drive by a huge Salvation Army store on my way home from work, not only does it hold many vintage finds, but it's even located in a vintage part of the city, where many of the old structures are considered landmarks.  It was here that I discovered a couple of vintage embroidery hoops.

I gathered a handful of items from the new Pink Paislee Atlas collection, and set to work creating some wall art for my front entrance.

Keeping with the theme I chose to create a memory of our most recent trip to Universal Studios this past February.

The vellum sheet worked nicely to cover the hoop.  And then I just layered away to my heart's content.

With the smaller of the two hoops I created somewhat of a "title" piece to my frames. Notice the perfect condition the hoop is in.  They tighten like a charm.

And voilà, my little strip of wall has never looked so good.  Amazing what $0.50 a piece can get you.

Thanks for stopping by today friends.

1 comment:

Thank you for taking the time to leave a little love!