
Saturday, January 24, 2015

Doing Disney

We've been enjoying some time together, just us in Orlando.  As the kids get older and life becomes even more filled with school assignments, Dance competitions, and work, we have discovered how vitally important it is to create play time for "just us".
About a year ago we asked the girls what type of vacation they would prefer.  Hot, skiing, or Disney.
Disney won!  Although we don't actually plan to visit any of the actual Disney parks this trip.  We are a roller coaster loving family, and this year we are proud to say that applies to all of us.  Two years ago Théa (in the pink stripes), just couldn't bring herself to do any of the bigger ones, but this year she bit the bullet all on her own and started with the one I think is the best, more scary ride at Universal.  The Rip Rocket Roller coaster.

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One of the first stops we made in Universal was at the Horror Make Up show to see my Instagram friend Summer do her thing.  
She shared with us some of the secrets behind how horror make up came to be in Hollywood.  
It was truly hilarious, and Théa's favourite part of day number one.
It is so great being able to meet online friends in real life.
How awesome is that Shaggy?
New to us this year is the Harry Potter expansion to the Universal side, which includes a train ride between the two parks.  Very entertaining indeed.

We decided last minute to add Sea World to our trip.  So glad we did, it was a beautiful day, we saw some amazing killer whales, and rode 2 thrilling roller coasters, among other things.

The photo doesn't do the vibrant pink of these flamingos justice, they were just gorgeous.
There were a couple of these guys that looked just like Crush from Nemo.

The Manta: a fantastic surprise of a ride.  There was no wait, so the girls and I did this about 5 times throughout the day.  You hang facing the ground.
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The Kraken was no slouch either, super fast, lots of loops, and even more exciting in the front row.  We did this one over, and over too.
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Antarctica is the only part of the park we skipped by choice, although we all really wanted to see the penguins, none of us thought the 40 minute wait was worth it.  Next time we'll head there first.

Learned at the show that it's actually pronounced Sh-eh-moo, and not Sh-ah-moo as I had always thought.
Truly incredible what these amazing orcas can be trained to do.  Belle and I really wanted to go swim with them.
This guy was such a show off.
Day 3, we headed back to Universal and Islands of adventure for more coaster rides, and photo ops.
The cool crew I call mine, down a back alley at Universal.
We stopped for lunch in Aladdin's corner of the park.

So much colour and fun in the Simpson's area of the park.
They loved seeing Mary's car.
 The girls and I did the Cat In the Hat ride.  You're never too old for Seuss right?

Ended off Day 3 with the longest wait so far of the trip, the dads and the little girls waited 45 minutes for the Minion ride, they said it was worth it.
We feel blessed to have been able to get this time away.  We know things are just going to ramp up once we get back with Dance practices, and that life will be full as it always is this time of year.  In the thick of the craziness we'll be able to look back and remember this fun time away from the rush, the snow, school, and work.  We're still a few days away from our return though.  Today it's raining, so we'll rest around the condo, and then head out to Downtown Disney tonight.  Another first for this family.

Thanks for checking in on us friends!


  1. Looks like such a wonderful family trip.
    We have never been…but one day maybe :)
    I would think the horror makeup would be a great place to check out!!


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