
Friday, September 26, 2014

Sometimes It's Winter

This past year has not been an easy one for me.  A lot of changes that all seemed to happen at once, some emotional stresses, some financial stresses, and some physical stresses helped to throw things out of whack for me.  I felt down quite a bit, lost, like I wasn't sure what I was suppose to be doing, and just generally in a funk.  It didn't help that Winter in Manitoba seemed never ending, the cold and the snow just kept coming, and the sun shone very little over those months.  I was determined to scrap about this time, and it has taken me a while to be able to do so.  I wanted to document what that season felt like, as I think it's important that our albums reflect our real life, all the little moments that happen in between the birthdays, and vacations.  I think when we look back at our life it's important to see all the events that helped to shape us and make us who we are.  It took some time to feel healed from that dry, grey season, but I know now that I am finally through that season and moving into a new chapter of life.

I titled this page Sometimes it's Winter.  To me the thought of winter conjures up feelings of cold, and loneliness, as everything around these parts are just that, dead and cold, and colourless.  I took the photo one afternoon after I had gotten home from work, and just sat quietly in the house, alone with the dog on my lap (even Wilson looks like he's being contemplative).
When I saw the Lovely Words 6 set by {a flair for buttons} I just knew they would be perfect for this layout.  To me they are the perfect representation of all the things I wanted to strive for during this grey time.  Joy, Love, and Freedom.  All of the images scream of the love and faith that anchors us, and the hope of something new and wonderful to come.

I intentionally kept my colours pretty washed out looking, to evoke a sense of dullness, and gloom.

I decided to keep my text in the open for this layout.  For starters there was a lot to say so hiding would have been a little tricky, and I think there's something powerful about telling your story and putting it there as a reminder of where we've come from and where we're headed.  It's something to be proud of, it means there has been growth.  It means there's always more to the story.

I hope I've inspired you to get a little more of your story "out there".  We have so much to learn from one another, and this is a wonderful way to be able to love and encourage one another as we  journey together, no matter what season we may find ourselves in.

Have a great weekend friends, thanks for stopping by!


  1. So glad you scrapped this! We all know that life's not always perfect and it takes pure guts to scrap the not so perfect times! Total kudos to you! This is amazing! I love it!!!!!!!

  2. Love you friend. You are one of the most beautiful people I know, inside and out. <3

  3. Not only is this layout amazing, but the topic makes it super meaningful. Love you, sweet friend!

  4. I love everything about this, the beautiful heart put into it, the colors, the buttons, and such a meaningful photo! I love learning more about my fellow scrappers, once the layers are peeled back! I love this share :)

  5. Such a touching page, I agree our books should reflect our real life, thank you for the reminder. I had many similar feelings during the past loooonng winter and am really starting to dread the approach of it again. On a side note, I would love to know what you used to write on the vellum.

  6. Awesome page, and wonderful story told. :-)

  7. A beautiful layout! Thanks for sharing you feelings.....praying for you.

  8. Beautiful layout, Sherri! I love how you're scrapping the difficult times, as well as the good.


Thank you for taking the time to leave a little love!