
Monday, February 18, 2013

Chic Tags Sunday Challenge

Happy Monday friends,

There is a brand new Challenge over at Chic Tags.  Veronica thought it would be fun to add a challenge to the blog on Sundays, so yesterday the first one was launched.  The challenge this week is to use seven items or less on a layout.

I chose the following items:
1. Assorted Chic Tags
2. Assorted Alphabet Stickers
3. Brads
4. My Silhouette Cameo
5. A Cardstock Sticker
6. A Flair Button
7. A Doily

Here is my layout
Apologies for the poor photo quality.  No sun = bad photos

Super cute Cre8tive Cre8tions flair button
Technically I should probably be penalized because I added machine stitching to this layout once it was finished (it just didn't look complete), so that should probably be a separate item.  I won't tell if you don't.

I like that we've added a challenge to the blog, and hope you'll decide to play along.  There's a great
"win it before you can buy it" prize being offered this week.  Hop over to the Chic Tags blog to check it out, and see what a few of the other dt members came up with.

Thanks for stopping by today friends!


  1. Such a cool design! And that photo is so funny!

  2. That photo is so cute! Love it! Awesome job on the layout!!

  3. Sooooooooo fun! LOVING the photo and love love love love love all the triangles!!

  4. Love how the triangles in your background look great with the triangular tags, Sherri! Amazing what you can make do with only 7 products! It's beautiful!

  5. Such a funny picture for a gréât LO !

  6. it's such a fun challenge. love how you used your 7 products on this page


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