
Thursday, March 22, 2012

Double Digits

We are celebrating 10 years of loving this girl today.
taken this past Fall
She is one of the most tenderhearted, creative little girls I know, and she's thrilled to be entering double digits today.  She came into this world such a peanut, at exactly 7 lbs, 0.5 oz, and 20 inches long.  She cried every evening for 9 weeks straight between week 3 and week 12, and then, almost over night, magically transformed into an easy going, music loving, sweet, and friendly (she use to say hello to everyone she'd see at one year old) little doll of a girl.

Today, she's a studious kid, who loves to read, and for whom drawing, story telling, acting, and dancing all come naturally.  It has been a wonderful experience being her mother.  As much as I have taught her about the ways of life, she has taught me just as much in return by the way she is wired.
Chesse cake for breakfast- yum!
We love this girl, and celebrate her today with all our hearts.  Happy Birthday sweet Théa Dene Funk.  We look forward to watching you continue to grow and spread your wings and  become more and more the person your Father in Heaven created you to be.

Mommy, Daddy, Isabelle & Eden


  1. Awe! That *might* have made me tear up just a bit. Happy birthday sweet girl!

  2. Happy Birthday to sweet Thea...I hope she has a day filled with happiness!

  3. such a beautiful, beautiful post. happy birthday Thea♥

  4. Happy birthday to your sweet girl!!!

  5. What beautiful pictures! LOVE that top one! Happy birthday to your darling girl!

  6. beautiful girl !!!
    happy birthday !!!

  7. I hope your dd had a wonderful's so special reaching double digits!! :) Gx

  8. Happy Birthday - hope she has a wonderful day :)


Thank you for taking the time to leave a little love!