
Thursday, February 23, 2012

A Disney layout

We have so many Disney photos, that it was a little overwhelming knowing where to start when it came to scrapping them.  I'm still thinking that a mini-album would be the best way to showcase the trip and record all the memories, and have the kids take park in the journaling.  For now, I've managed to at least get some highlights down on a two-pager.  It highlights all the places we saw, and all of us who got see them.

The journaling reads:
It was a dream come true, something I've wanted to do since I was a child.  Getting to experience Disney World with Mom & Dad included was more than I could have dreamed, honestly.  The Winter of 2012 the dream became a reality, as we pulled the kids from school and flew down to Orlando for 6 days of fun.  First stop (1) Magic Kingdom (Isabelle wanted roller coasters not Mickey Mouse).  There's no other way to begin a Disney adventure really.  The most fun was had at (2) Universal Studios, and (3) Islands of Adventure, where we met Shrek & the gang (4), and saw the dinosaurs of Jurassic Park.  We all agree that Universal & Islands were the best for fun factor with the (5) Rip Rocket roller coaster being a fave.  We hit Animal Kingdom (6&7) on the last and warmest of days.  Expedition Everest was a blast, along with the Safari where we  saw gorillas and hippos.  I love the  photo of Mom and Dad in front of the iconic tree.  (8)Epcot was another fave, as there was something for everyone, and the character greetings (9) and the fireworks were so cool.  So much fun.  From Magic Kingdom (10) Buzz Lightyear to Everst and everything in between.  Memories for a lifetime were made @ Disney.

If you have been thinking about getting away with the family, but are hesitant on it for whatever reason, I encourage you to revisit the idea.  It was so worth it.  Worth the hour and a half drive to the airport, worth the financial pinch, worth the infinite amount of U turns we took on our way to and from the park everyday, and definitely worth the tired feet at the end of the day.  It gave us time to unplug from the routine and pressures of everyday life here at home.  It allowed my kids to enjoy their father as the fun-loving, joking, playmate they only see from time to time.  It allowed us to enjoy some time alone with Mom, and Dad in a way that's different and more relaxed than when one of us is 'hosting' the other.  We love our life here at home.  The girls really enjoy Dance, and love spending time with their friends at the studio several days a week.  They like school, have wonderful teachers, and are learning, and developing so nicely this year.  We have a fun, and loving Small Group (5 families) with whom we meet every other week to talk about God, life, church, and the everyday things of life.  All that is great, but we are increasingly aware that if we don't make time to just hang together we will lose the connection that makes us friends as well as family, appreciating the fun quirky idiosyncrasies that make us each who we are.  Who knows, time away, as a family may be just what you and yours need also.

Thanks for popping by today friends,

♥ S.


  1. We did DW in the fall. It was overwhelming with the photos. This 2 page is awesome!

  2. Great job highlighting parts of your trip. I still haven't scrapped anything disney. SO overwhelmed. I think I'm just going to lift yours :) Thanks!

  3. Hey, I recognize that LO! :)

    Loved reading the journaling. Glad you guys had such a great time!

  4. It is overwhelming all those photo's, right? I still have so many Orlando photo's to scrap. Of our last trip (last year) I made a mini album and I realized that that is the way to get a complete vacation scrapped ;-) But I'm definitely going to lift your double pager. Love how you used so many photo's and numbered them to link them to your journaling! Great job my friend.

  5. i will stick to LOs.. i can never finish a mini album! this is looking amazing btw, my sweet friend!

  6. Sigh. What a blessing this trip of yours was. Makes me look forward to our upcoming family camping trips. Your post makes me anxious to getaway with my family!


Thank you for taking the time to leave a little love!