
Monday, April 18, 2011

Weekend Virtual Crop

Hope the weekend went well for all of you.  The incredible amount of snow we woke up to on Saturday was a little startling (I meant to take a pic, but didn't get around to it before it melted), but thankfully it was all gone by supper.  Aside from all the running around ....

- Dh handled getting the girls to and from dance for 4.5 hours on Saturday morn/aft
- me, helping our neighbours pack up their over filled home to prep it for selling this coming weekend
- Small Group (20 people for supper) on Saturday night
- church (amazing baptism service) on Sunday morning
- another 2.5 hours of dance on Sunday afternoon
- supper and prepping for the week in the evening for me and 2 of the girls
- Uncle Peter's viewing ceremony for for DH and the oldest girl
I did manage to sit down and join in on the Spring Fever online crop at My Scrapbook Nook.  Here's what I created.
I really love this one.  It's based off a sketch by the sweet Jessy of The Nook DT.

This was for a card sketch challenge by the sweet, sweet Danni.
I liked the first one so much I had to make a second one :)
Katrina launched the first challenge, it was to use green, pink, purple, and blue - all Spring colours.  I made this one for our friends who moved in two doors down from us.
Carol issued a fun challenge (to use a sun on your page).  This picture is actually out of the Roseau River camp brochure.  It was taken on day 2 of Théa's mini over night camp there last year.   I just had to scrap it.
Heading into this week, I'm super excited that it's a short one.  No school on Friday, no Youth Group on Friday night, and all the extra dance lessons that usually take place on Sundays are off until next weekend.   I'm really looking forward to Wednesday night's band practice.  They've got 5 of us singing back up (hoping for old school choir sound) for some really great tunes, chosen especially for the Easter service.  I'm always super nervous, and get very self-conscience about about how not amazing my voice is when compared to others on the team, but when all is said and done I'm always proud of myself for having put it all out there.  I welcome the opportunity to be challenged and hopefully grow.  Here's hoping I don't let my self-doubt, and nerves get the best of me.

Happy Monday all, hope the week unfolds just as it should for each of you.



  1. Sounds great, Sherri. Your scrapping's beautiful. You'll do great on Sunday, just be yourself! Happy Easter!

  2. Love that LO - and have fun with it on Sunday!

  3. GORGEOUS projects. WOW! You are really good. Just coming in here to say THANKS for your support over at the Nook. It means a lot to me when someone goes out of their way just to say something positive. So thanks :o) LOVE YOUR BLOG! Your newest follower here. Keep up the goo work.

  4. How fun that you get to sing back up! How did it go????
    By the way....I LOVE those cards you made for Danni's challenge ;)


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