
Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Wish I were back here...

Family vacation at Beaches Resort in Turks & Caicos, January, 2009

It has been so darn cold here for the last several weeks.  Today the wind was blowing at speeds reaching 70 kms/hr making it feel as bone chilling as -47 degrees celcius outside.  Crazy right?!  If I could, I would retreat to my bedroom, and not emerge until the birds returned, buds began to form on the trees, and grass was visible on the ground.  Alas, that luxury will not be mine as long as I live in the real world.  Growing up, my mother use to question why she ever left Barbados to move to this ridiculously frigid province.  I get it, I really do.  The Caribbean is THE place to be, today and everyday, except for maybe Christmas Eve, and Christmas morning when big fat wet flakes of snow seem somewhat fitting for the holiday.  Other than those two days, however I could go for sand between my toes, the sun kissing my face, and gorgeous, towering  palm trees surrounding aqua blue water *sigh*.  Maybe scrapping some summer photos will make me feel a little warmer inside.  Hope you're keeping warm in your corner of the wold.

Thanks for popping by,



  1. Love those pictures, so pretty!! I especially like the one of your feet! I wish I could send you some sand and sunshine from Florida!! And you could send me some snow...just for a day though;)

  2. oh that looks like heaven!!!!
    are you from the one of the islands????

  3. Wonderful photos - I adore the feet-one! :D


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